ParkerB I'm writing in today to give some feedback on some private lessons I've been doing with Scorch lately (Eric Scortia). We've been working together for about a month now and I'm happy to report that I'm thrilled with the work that we've been doing so far. Firstly, Eric has a great technical set up on Zoom that is perfect for online learning. I just really appreciate the work he's put into having multiple different camera angles, MIDI implementation, etc. It really makes the entire process a lot better. Scorch is flat-out a great guy to work with. Lessons have been going swimmingly and he's enthusiastic about helping me become a better player. A month in, we've got a great rhythm going between what's on offer for homework and feedback on playing. Everything you'd want from a teacher is there - the structure, the communication, the content of the lessons. I've found it pretty difficult to find a teacher that is more tailored to my goals as a player and finally struck gold with Scorch. ParkerB